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Resources to support Pathfinder Clubs in Texas. Please check the requirements with your local division and conference.


Forms for Pathfinders and Staff, including medical forms, trip permission slips, safe driver forms and volunteer application forms. 
Resources to support the Pathfinder Club in Texas. Please check the requirements with your local division and conference.

Member and staff forms


Basic Materials for Parents and Pathfinders: All Pathfinders and their Parents/Guardians must fill out a Pathfinder Membership Application, and a Medical Consent & Release Form. Clubs can make their own Membership Application form, or use the NAD form below. For most Texas and Central Texas Camporees, you will need additional copies of the Medical Consent & Release Form, each with an original signature. The Trip Permission Slip should be filled out for each event. You may want to have parents fill out one form without the signature and the event, and make multiple copies so for each event the parent will only need to re-fill-in the event and signature. 



Staff and Volunteers 

  • Staff, volunteer and adults over 18 years old staying overnight at camp must complete the Volunteer training. Please note that the volunteer verification must renew it every three years. A verification list of staff members who have completed the course is available from the Texas Conference office.

  • A signed copy of the Medical Consent Form for each pathfinder participant must be carried on each activity and event. It is best to have three copies made at the beginning of the year - one to keep secure at the Church/Club meeting place, one to carry on field trips and outings, and one for use at Camporee. 

  • A Trip Permission Form needs to be carried for each Pathfinder participant on each outing/event.

  • Any Staff Member, Parent or other Volunteer Driver who will be transporting Pathfinders other than their own children to any Pathfinder event/outing must complete the Safe Driver Pledge. 

  • The Staff Volunteer Form should be kept with the Local Club. The Volunteer Code of Conduct is to be signed in the presence of a senior Club Staff Member or Church Pastor or Youth Ministries Leader but retained by the Volunteer. 

  • Please remember that these various forms are to help ensure the safety and security of our youth. They are not intrusive, but are there to protect the young people we are called to serve. 



NAD Pathfinder Membership Application

Medical Consent Form

Trip Permission Form

Safe Driver Pledge

Staff Volunteer Form (English)

Staff Volunteer Form (Spanish)

Volunteer Code of Conduct (English)

Volunteer Code of Conduct (Spanish)


Texas Pathfinder Constitution

Download a copy of the Texas Conference Pathfinder Constitution


How to run Pathfinder Leadership Training

Safety and security


“The Church regards the nurture and protection of children as a sacred trust.”
Seventh-day Adventists place a high value on children. In the light of the Bible, they are seen as precious gifts from God entrusted to the care of parents, family, the community of faith and society-at-large. Children possess enormous potential for making positive contributions to the Church and to society.  Attention to their care, protection, and development is extremely important.
--From an official statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - Nurture and Protection of Children.

Club leaders, staff, and volunteers demonstrate care for children by managing risks that threaten safety, assets, and resources. This care is demonstrated by:

  • Properly planning and supervising all Pathfinder/ Adventurer activities.

  • Ensuring that facilities are properly maintained, hazardous situations identified and corrective measures are taken to prevent injury or accidents.

  • Being concerned for the child’s safety.

  • Providing appropriate safety equipment and requiring its use at all times by all participants.


A Practical Guide to Pathfinder Safety

ARM Pathfinder Safety Booklet

Child Protection and Screening Policies

Field Trip Risk Checklist

Personal Injury Claim Form

Camp Safety Inspection Form

Automobile Loss Claim Form


Adventist Risk Management

  • Adventist Risk Management provides a wealth of information regarding safe and secure planning and activities, visit their website


Volunteer Verification

If you have questions, please contact:

Efrain Murillo

Telephone 817.790.2255 ext. 2114



The Pathfinder Class A (Full Dress) Uniform is an important part of the identity of Pathfinders. It symbolizes unity of mission and purpose, reminds Pathfinders of who and what they stand for, and presents a sharp and recognizable image to those observing the Pathfinders.


Basic NAD Uniform Specifications

Shirt/Blouse - Khaki (Suntan). Texas Conference primarily uses short-sleeve shirts

Pants* / Skirt* -- Black

  • Slacks - Black, straight leg, pleated front, belt loops, no cuff

  • Skirt - Black, A-line, pleated front, belt loops 

Belt - Black webbing cloth belt with Pathfinder buckle. Options available upon approval of Club director:  Plain, all black leather belt with no ornamentation. Conferences, clubs, and individuals may wear a non-standard issue Pathfinder or Master Guide logo buckle

Socks - All black socks, stockings or knee-highs. No designs or patterns.

Shoes - All black dress shoes or boots with fully closed toe and heels. Heels of no more than 2 inches. If the shoes have laces, the laces must also be all black. Combat boots are not acceptable.

Sash - Black, with length no longer than the tip of the fingers on the left hand

Scarf - Yellow Pathfinder Scarf with black trim, or red-trimmed yellow TLT scarf, or red-trimmed Master Guide scarf.

Slide - Standard cloth slide with Pathfinder triangle logo, or for Master Gudes cloth Master Guide slide with master Guide world logo. Upon approval of local Club or Conference official, individuals may wear a nonstandard issue or legacy Pathfinder or Master Guide slide.

Neck tie/Tuxedo tie -- Black. Required as part of Class A uniform for Staff, optional for club members, but should be consistent throughout club.


  • Slacks have internal pockets, so no jeans, cargo pants or BDU’s.

  • Pants may not be bloused or otehrwise tucked 

  • Modesty precludes leggings, yoga pants, and other tight fitting clothing. 

  • Athletic pants and sweatpants are not slacks. 

  • Color Guards or other distinctive groups might choose to use BDU’s or some other (kilt, sarong, etc.) style as approved by the appropriate leadership.

  • Drill events have their own set of uniform rules. Check with the event officials to make sure you are in compliance. 

Additional Uniform Information

Baptismal Pin - Staff and Pathfinders who are baptized members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church may wear the Baptismal Pin on their uniform

Name Plate - The Pathfinder Name Plate is optional, but only to be worn by Staff.

Pathfinder Triangle Pin - The popular Pathfinder triangle pin is not part of the Pathfinder Uniform. If worn, it should ONLY be worn on the sash or as a tie-tack.

Staff Leadership Stars - Gold starts to be worn on epaulettes. 

  • One star for Directors 

  • Two stars for Area Coordinators, Associate, and Assistants

  • Three stars for Conference Directors, Associates and Assistants

Shoulder Cords (Updated Spring 2015 by NAD) - Shoulder cords are OPTIONAL, but IF they are worn, only ONE cord is worn, and that on the left shoulder. All cords (except the TLT cord) will consist of a braided main cord, two outside shoulder loops without ornamentation, and one gold pencil device. (Cords are available here on AdventSource, scroll down through the list for the specific cord.)      

Ranks are represented by the following colors:

  • Club Director - Gold (AdventSource #002061)

  • Drill and Drum Team - White - (AdventSource #002067)

  • Assistant/Associate Area Coordinator - Kelly Green and Gold (AdventSource #002074)

  • Area Coordinator - Scarlet and Gold (AdventSource #002075)

  • Conference/Union Director - Scarlet, Royal Blue and Gold (AdventSource #002076)

  • Texas Pathfinder Council 2013:03 - Voted that if a Pathfinder Bible Experience team chooses to wear braids, they will be purple [Adventsource #002072]

Uniform Patch and Pin Placement (Images Coming)

Right Sleeve:
Club Name Crest, centered, 3/4 inch from shoulder seam
Staff Sleeve Strip, centered, 1/4 inch from lowest tip of Club Crest
Pathfinder 3” Triangle patch, 1/4 inch below Staff Sleeve Strip or 1/4 inch below lowest tip of Club Crest































Left Sleeve:
Texas Conference Patch, centered, 1/4 inch below shoulder seam
Pathfinder 2.75” World Patch, centered, 1/2 inch below Texas Conference Patch
Master Guide Star/Class Chevrons, centered, beginning 1/2 inch below Pathfinder World Patch.
Note: Chevrons are placed in class order, highest level class at the top closes to world patch. 
Note: Some adjustments may need to be made in spacing the star and chevrons to accommodate short sleeve uniform.






Left Shirt Pocket: Consider the flap on the pocket divided into three horizontal bars, two above the button and one even with the button. 

  • Top space: Master Guide Pin, centered on the flap of pocket above the button and above the other class level pins. 

  • Middle space: Class Level Pins (Friend, Companion, Explorer, Ranger, Voyager, Guide), evenly spaced in a horizontal row above the pocket button on the flap. 

  • Lower space: there are four “spaces” even with the pocket flap button, two to the left and two to the right, evenly spaced. Only one pin, as appropriate, may be worn in each space. Beginning on the inside (closest to the heart), the first space is for the Baptismal Pin. The second space is for one of the following: current year PBE pin OR PLA pin. The third space is for the TLT pin, Master TLT pin OR the PIA pin. The fourth space is for the TLT level star pin, or the Pathfinder Staff service star pin. 





The current IA Class Level name strip is placed Immediately above the left shirt pocket, on the shirt front.
Any Advanced IA Class ribbons are worn on the shirt front above the class level name strip.
Captain or Scribe pin is worn centered on the shirt pocked an inch below the bottom of the pocket flap. 

Club or event pins are not approved for wearing on the dress uniform shirt, except in special circumstances. All non-standard pins should only be worn on the sash. 

The Pledge and Law are the guiding principles of Pathfinders, the defining characteristic of the life of a Pathfinder. All members agree to abide by the Pledge and Law, to let them guide their actions, thoughts, and lives in or out of uniform.

Pathfinder Emblems

The Pathfinder Pledge

By the grace of God, I will be pure, and kind, and true. I will keep the Pathfinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.


The Pathfinder Law

The Pathfinder Law is for me to:
Keep the morning watch
Do my honest part
Care for my body,
Keep a level eye
Be courteous and obedient
Walk softly in the sanctuary,
Keep a song in my heart,
Go on God's errand.


Pathfinder Aim and Motto


Aim: The Advent Message to All the World in My Generation

Explanation:  My relationship to Jesus Christ is of such a nature that it compels me to share with any who will receive it, the gospel—the good news of Hissoonreturn.

Motto: The Love of Christ Compels Me

Explanation: I am drawn to Him by His exemplary life, the symbolic act of His crucifixion, His conquering resurrection, and His promise of an earth made new in the pattern of the original creation.  The closer I find myself to Him, the closer I find myself identifying with the needs of my fellow human beings.


The Pathfinder Song

Oh, we are the Pathfinders strong,
The servants of God are we.
Faithful as we march along,
In kindness, truth, and purity
A Message to tell to the world,
A truth that will set us free!
King Jesus the Savior's coming back
For you, and me!


Download the music and lyrics



The Pathfinder Logo











Red (Sacrifice)

  • Reminds us of Christ. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

  • "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God" (Rom. 12: 1).

Three sides

  • Completeness of the Trinity -- Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

  • Tripod of education: Mental Crafts and Honors Physical Campouts, work bee, health focus Spiritual Outreach and personal spiritual development.

Gold (Excellence)

  • "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich" (Rev. 3:18).

  • Standard of measurement. The Pathfinder Club has high standards to help build a strong character for the kingdom of heaven.

Shield (Protection)

  • In the Scripture, God is often called the shield of His people. (Protection) "Fear not ... I am thy shield" (Gen. 15:1)

  • "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." (Eph. 6:16)

White (Purity)

  • "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment" (Rev. 3:5).

  • We desire to have the purity and righteousness of Christ's life in our lives.

Blue (Loyalty)

  • It is the purpose of the Pathfinder Club to help teach us to be loyal to Our God in heaven. Our parents. Our church

  • Loyalty is defined as a reflection of the character of our True Master Guide.

Sword (Bible)

  • The sword is used in warfare. A battle is always won by the offense. We are in a battle against sin, and our weapon is the Word of God.

  • The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. (see Eph. 6:17)

Inverted Triangle

  • The inverted order of importance Jesus taught which is contrary to that taught by the world.

  • Sacrificing of one's self by placing the needs of others ahead of our own.

Pathfinder Club

  • The Pathfinder Club is one of the organizations of the world youth ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

There are well over 500 Honors available to Pathfinders, appealing to a wide range of interests, hobbies, skills and personal development. The Honors serve as one of the two pillars of the pathfinder curriculum, along with the achievement classes, and provide a large number of topics and activities to keep Pathfinders (and their staff) interested, excited, busy and learning for years.

Pathfinder Honors


Pathfinder Honors

There are well over 500 Honors available to Pathfinders, appealing to a wide range of interests, hobbies, skills and personal development. The Honors serve as one of the two pillars of the pathfinder curriculum, along with the achievement classes, and provide a large number of topics and activities to keep Pathfinders (and their staff) interested, excited, busy and learning for years.

Master Awards and honors are available in eight broad categories, identifiable by their background color:

Nature: White           
Outreach Ministries: Dark Blue
Vocational: Red
Household Arts: Gold
Outdoor Industries: Brown
Arts, Crafts and Hobbies: Light Blue
Health and Science: Purple
Recreation: Green


The North American Division Pathfinder Ministries website has the honor requirements online. In addition to individual honors, Master Awards are also available for those who have achieved a number of honors in a specific category or addressing a specific interest or activity.


Numerous Pathfinders, leaders, and supporters have also developed a Wiki Book that offers helps and assistance with teaching and learning the Pathfinder Honors. These should not be used as the exclusive resource, however. The purpose of the honors is to learn new information, practice new skills, experience new experiences. It is not simply to add one more felt patches to your sash. The Wiki Book is a useful resource, but do not let it become a cheat sheet or crutch. Go out and learn and have fun.

Pathfinders are not immune from mental health struggles. Below are some resources to help.

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health

Texas Conference Mental Health Professionals

Phone Number
Gladys G Cisneros, LPC
Central Texas
Alma Martinez-Barrios LPC, NCC
Valley Coastal Bend
Frank Ortiz, MS, LPC, NCC
Nancy Alvarez MS, NCC, LPC
Keila Santos, PsyD
Keene Fort Worth
Madai Maldonado MS, LPC, RPT
Ivette Gonzalez, Counselor, MA, LPC-Associate
Zaira Rico, LMFTA
Michal Anne Whitcomb, MA,, LPC

Additional Mental Health Resources

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