Download the following from ClubMinistries.org
Personal Growth
1. Be in Grade 7 or its equivalent.
2. a. Develop your daily devotional life by studying the Weekly Bible Reading Guide (weeks 27-39) and the book of Acts utilizing printed or electronic study guide/resources,
b. Journal your thoughts by asking these questions:
- "What did I learn about God?"
- "What did I learn about myself?"
- "How can I apply this to my life today?"
You may journal through writing, drawing or electronic process.
3. a. Memorize the meaning of the Pathfinder Pledge
b. Illustrate your understanding of the Pathfinder Pledge in an interesting way.
4. Learn the meaning of the Pathfinder Emblem.
Spiritual Discovery
1. Learn how to use a Bible concordance by selecting two topics and/or words to discover how it is used in the Bible.
2. Memorize one Bible text (not previously learned) for each of the following subjects:
Great Passages
3. Role-play the experience of a person of the New Testament Church in the book of Acts.:
4. a. Learn about eight missionaries (to at least four continents) who served during the Seventh-day Adventist Mission Expansion (1900 to 1950).
b. On a world map, plot their country of service (include at least 4 continents).
c. Make a presentation about your favorite missionary.
(Pathways of the Pioneers, Church Heritage Manual)
Advanced for Spiritual Discovery
1. Complete Explorer requirement
2. Compare the expansion of the early Christian church in the book of Acts to the mission expansion of the Seventh-day Adventist Church up to 1950.
3. Study and discuss one of the following life issues with your Explorer group and an adult: Abuse, TV & Movie Theaters, Reading.
Serving Others
1. Be familiar with the community services in your area and give assistance for at least four hours.
2. Participate in at least two church programs for a total of four hours.
Advanced for Serving Others
1. Complete Explorer requirements.
2. Make a personal visit to a sick person or shut-in and follow up with a phone call, letter, card, e-mail or text message.
Making Friends
Participate in a panel discussion or skit on peer pressure and its role in your decision making..
Fulfill requirements #1, #11 and #12 and 14 of the Christian Grooming and Manners Honor.
Advanced for Making Friends
1. Complete Explorer requirements
2. Complete the Christian Grooming and Manners Honor, if not previously earned.
Health & Fitness
1. Learn the value of exercise, fresh air & sunshine by:
a. Giving two reasons why physical fitness is important.
b. Explain the relationship between proper diet, exercise, and weight control.
c. Explain the benefits of fresh air and sunshine.
(a & b fulfill requirement #7 of the Christian Grooming and Manners Honor).
2. Earn the Basic Rescue Honor.
3. Complete the Basic Water Safety OR Beginner's Swimming Honor, if not previously earned.
Advanced for Health and Fitness
1. Complete Explorer requirements.
2. Participate in a lifestyle fitness program for your age such as:
President's Challenge Active Lifestyle Program
Live Healthy kids
Or similar program
Nature Study
1. a. Review the Genesis account of the flood.
b. Read a book about fossils and the biblical flood,
c. Study at least three different fossils; explain their origin and relate them to breaking God's laws.
2. Stars -
a. Be able to identify in the sky the North Star, Big Dipper, Little Dipper, and Orion.
b. Explain the spiritual significance of Orion as told in Early Writings, page 41.
Advanced for Nature Study
1. Complete Explorer requirements
2. Weather / Ferns
Record and graph the weather for two weeks at 12-hour intervals. Include temperature, moisture, cloud formation, and wind direction.
Draw or photograph 10 kinds of ferns, and identify correctly.
3. Complete a nature honor not previously earned. (Skill level 2 or 3)
Outdoor Living
1. Earn the Knot Tying Honor
2. Earn the Camping Skills III Honor, if not previously earned.
(Camping Skills Campout Plan) - counselor helps
Honor Enrichment
Wilderness Explorer
1. Complete an honor, not previously earned, in the area of Arts & Crafts or Household Arts. (Skill level 2 or 3)
2. Complete an honor, not previously earned, in the area of Recreational, Vocational or Outdoor Industries. (Skill level 2 or 3)
Explorer Weekly Devotional Guide (27-39)
Click on the verse to open
Audio Bible
Week 27- Attitudes
Week 27- Attitudes
____ Mark 9:33-35
____ 1 Thessalonians 5:18
____ Psalms 34
____ Ephesians 3
____ James 2
Week 28 - Commitment
____ Isaiah 40
____ Genesis 17
____ Proverbs 4
____ Luke 9
Week 29 - Growth
____ 1 Corinthians 6
____ 1 Corinthians 13
____ Psalms 53
____ Psalms 90
____ Ruth 1-2
____ Ruth 3-4
Week 30 - Faith
____ Jude 1
____ Romans 14
____ Matthew 9
____ Luke 17
Week 31 - Praise
____ Psalms 108
____ Psalms 27:1-4
____ Psalms 56
____ Isaiah 63
Week 32 - Prayers
____ Psalms 116
____ Matthew 6-7
____ 1 Thessalonians 5
____ Luke 18
____ Psalms 20
Week 33 - Trust
____ Exodus 33
____ Proverbs 3:4,5
____ Psalms 62
____ Isaiah 30:19-26
____ Jeremiah 10
____ Isaiah 38
Week 34 - Salvation
____ John 1
____ Acts 2
____ Psalms 60
____ Haggai 1-2
____ Romans 3
Week 35 - Forgiveness
____ Isaiah 1
____ Isaiah 38
____ Psalms 30
____ Psalms 40
____ John 2
Week 36- Abundant Life
____ Romans 5
____ John 15
____ Luke 19:1-27
____ Jeremiah 4:1-8
____ Ephesians 1-2
____ Ephesians 3
Week 37- Death
____ Hebrews 9
____ John 16
____ Revelation 7:14-17
____ Ecclesiastes 12
Week 38-Baptism
____ Romans 6
____ Matthew 3
____ Matthew 28
____ Luke 3
____ 1 Peter 3
Week 39- Second Coming
____ 1 Corinthians 15
____ Isaiah 64
____ Titus 1:13
____ Isaiah 25
____ James 5
____ Mark 13