Pathfinders is a faith-based co-educational youth leadership and development program, boasting some 2 million members worldwide. The Pathfinder program provides a safe and nurturing environment where youth are able to develop and strengthen their spiritual, mental, physical and emotional skills, where they participate in service to the community and to God, and where youth spend time in nature overcoming challenges and appreciating creation.
There are well over 100 active Pathfinder Clubs throughout Texas. All of the Pathfinder staff in Texas are volunteers, who commit their time and experience to create a vibrant and safe environment for youth development.
The Texas Conference is divided into five organizational Areas for Pathfinders: Keene-Fort Worth, Dallas-East Texas, Central Texas, Houston Bay, and Valley-Coastal Bend. The Area Coordinators assist with communications, coordination, planning and generally helping the Pathfinder Clubs in their area. ​
The Texas Conference is part of the Southwestern Union Conference, which in turn is part of the North American Division, which itself is a component of the General Conference.
Staff and Area Information

Houston Bay South Area

Central Texas North Area