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Friend | Companion | Explorer | Ranger | Voyager |  Guide


Download the following from

Ranger Instructor Helps 

Ranger Requirements 

Ranger Record Chart 

Ranger Record Card 

Ranger Record-Journal

Ranger Director's Guide 


Personal Growth

1.  Be in Grade 8 or its equivalent.
2.   a.  Develop your daily devotional life by studying the Weekly Bible Reading Guide (weeks 40-52) and the book of John utilizing printed or electronic
         study guide/resources. 
     b.  Journal your thoughts by asking questions like:
           - "What did I learn about God?"
           - "What did I learn about myself?"
           - "How can I apply this to my life today?"
          - "What in this text is meaningful to me?"
          - "What is the theme in the verses I read?"
         You may journal through writing, drawing or electronic process.
3.  a.  Memorize the Pathfinder Law
    b.  Illustrate your understanding of the Pathfinder Law in an interesting way.
4.   Learn the meaning of the AY Emblem.


Spiritual Discovery

1.  Participate in a Bible marking program on the inspiration of the Bible.
2.  Memorize the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20:3-17.
3.  Read the 13 Baptismal Vows of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and share why each of them is important.
4.  Read The Pathfinder Story (current edition).

Advanced for Spiritual Discovery
1.  Complete Ranger requirement
2.  Read/listen to Steps to Jesus
3.  Study and discuss two of the following life issues with your Ranger group and an adult: Gossip, Lying, Profanity, the Worldwide Web, STDs.


Serving Others

1.  Fulfill requirements #7 and #8 of the Serving Communities Honor.
2.  Fulfill Requirement #9 of the Serving Communities Honor.

Advanced for Serving Others
1.  Complete Ranger requirements.
2.  Fulfill Requirement #1 of the Serving Communities Honor.


Making Friends

  1. Role-play the story of the Good Samaritan and think of ways you can serve your neighbors and do three.

  2. Fulfill requirements #1, #5 and #10 of the Family Life Honor.

Wilderness Ranger
  1.  Complete Ranger requirements
  2.  Complete the Family Life Honor, if not previously earned. 


Health & Fitness

1.  Learn the value of divine power & rest by:             
    a.  For five consecutive days, spend 8 minutes each day in a quiet spot (no electronics, books or distractions) and reflect on ways God has touched
         your life during the last 24 hours. 
    b.  Share what you liked and didn't like about your quiet time with a friend or your group.
    c.  Keep a sleep log for seven days. 
    d.  Find an article on how the lack of sleep affects the body and make a presentation about what you have learned (are you getting enough sleep?).
    e.  Read these texts: Ex. 31:17Ez 20:20, Isa. 58:13,14; Matt. 12:11,12.
    f.  Discuss with your group, "How will I keep the Sabbath so it will be a meaningful experience in my relationship with God and impact positively
        my physical health?"
2.  Earn the First Aid Honor.
3.  Complete the Basic Water Safety Honor OR Beginner's Swimming Honor if not previously earned.

Advanced for Health and Fitness
1.  Complete Ranger requirements.
2.  Participate in a lifestyle fitness program for your age such as:
       President's Challenge Active Lifestyle Program
              Or similar program


Nature Study

1.  a.  Read two articles from science that relate to the laws of nature.
    b.  Review the story of the Ten Commandments.
    c. Perform three experiments, which demonstrate the natural laws of God, (e.g. law of gravity, law of magnetism).
2.  Lichens / Shells
    Make an "eternal garden"
     Collect and identify 15 different shells and tell where they may be found.

Advanced for Nature Study
1.  Complete Ranger requirements
2.  Insects / Wild Flowers
      Collect or obtain and mount 15 species of insects representing at least 6 different orders.
      Draw or photograph, or collect pictures of 20 kinds of wildflowers and identify correctly.
2.  Complete a Nature honor not previously earned.  (Skill level 2 or 3)


Outdoor Living

1.  Complete requirements #1-11b of the Hiking Honor
2.  Earn the Camping Skills IV Honor, if not previously earned.
    (Camping Skills Campout Plan)


Honor Enrichment

Wilderness Ranger

1. Complete an honor, not previously earned, in the area of Arts & Crafts or Household Arts. (Skill level 2 or 3)
2. Complete an honor, not previously earned, in the area of RecreationalVocational or Outdoor Industries. (Skill level 2 or 3)



Ranger Weekly Devotional Guide (40-52)

Audio Bible

Week 27- Attitudes


Week 40 - Judgement
____ Revelation 6-8
____ 1 Peter 4:12-19
____ 1 Peter 5:1-11
____ Romans 13
____ Job 14:1-7
____ Zephaniah 1-3

Week 41 - Heaven
____ Revelation 21
____ Matthew 12
____ 1 Peter 3
____ Hebrews 4
____ Isaiah 21

Week 42 - Bible Study
____ Psalms 5
____ Psalms 32
____ 2 Timothy 3
____ Isaiah 35
____ Acts 17

Week 43 - Challenges
____ Matthew 22
____ Luke 14:26
____ 2 Corinthians 7:1
____ Exodus 4
____ Matthew 24
____ Luke 24

Week 44 - Calling
____ Isaiah 6
____ Matthew 4:12-25
____ Acts 15
____ 1 Corinthians 3
____ Acts 1

Week 45 - Remediation
____ Genesis 3
____ Exodus 15:1-18
____ Isaiah 59
____ Psalms 98
____ Hebrews 1
____ Galatians 3

Week 46 - Beginnings
____ John 3
____ John 11
____ Isaiah 40
____ Philemon 1
____ 1 Kings 10
____ Psalms 137

Week 47 - Sabbath
____ Exodus 12-20
____ Matthew 12
____ Mark 1-2
____ Hebrews 3
____ Genesis 1-2
____ Isaiah 56

Week 48 - Comfort
____ Psalms 27
____ Psalms 25
____ Psalms 32
____ Hosea 6:1-3
____ Deuteronomy 10

Week 49 - Future
____ Revelation 20
____ Psalms 46
____ Psalms 84
____ Psalms 90
____ Revelation 18


Week 50 - Peers
____ 1 John 4
____ Isaiah 55
____ Joel 2
____ Luke 15
____ Genesis 37-39
____ Genesis 40-44
____ Genesis 45-48

Week 51 - Service
____ 2 Corinthians 4
____ Mark 9
____ Matthew 25
____ 1 Corinthians 12
____ Matthew 9

Week 52 - Discipleship
____ Mark 8
____ John 21
____ Isaiah 53
____ James 2
____ Revelation 22

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